The morning after


I was at a trade show in Louisville, Kentucky earlier this week, but could not escape the excitement generated by the impending snow storm that was to arrive on Saturday. My initial skepticism that snow this early was improbable was quieted late in the week with realization that it was likely to snow, but I supposed that not much would come of it.

I don’t profess to having inside knowledge or great insight into such matters. I only know the propensity of the media to tease and amplify the buzz when significant weather approaches, and for many people to jump on the bandwagon. And, given that cool, but not cold temperatures were forecast, and that ground temperatures remain quite warm, there was only a small possibility that a wet snow would stick to roads, grassy areas, or to tree foliage that was widely predicted to be a potential disaster.

My return flight from Louisville and landing were at the storm’s peak, and the descent was as bumpy a ride as I can recall, but the runways were only wet with no evidence of snow removal equipment at the ready. Plow trucks idled along the major highways on the ride home, ready to push the first sign of slush that didn’t materialize.

Now, the morning after, only a few traces of snow remain, and of course there is no damage to the garden. Temperatures dropped below freezing for the night, and so thick leafed hostas and other perennials have taken a sudden turn towards their winter dormancy. I discovered that in my haste to move tropicals indoors last weekend I forgot two philodendrons, one of which is now hopelessly injured, but the other and a nearby tropical fern (above, also neglected) were unharmed.

In any case, this storm passed as just another cold and wet October day, though with a bit more wonder involved for those of us who don’t recall snow this early in the autumn. There are still blooms in the garden, and with warmer days ahead it is likely that the sporadic azalea (below), hydrangea, and rose blooms will persist for a few more weeks.

One Comment Add yours

  1. ELENA says:

    Dude! Azaleas in bloom still?

    You are truly blessed and we are impressed (…with your WHOLE site. Lovely. Thanks for such a helpful, well written/edited, insightful and colorful effort).

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