Quiet members of the garden in late December

In winter’s dormancy the gardener becomes more aware of less flamboyant  members of the garden, not only bark and buds, but also simpler plant forms. Damp conditions this year have been beneficial to naturally occurring bryophytes, mosses and liverworts that thrive in gaps between path stones, and also transplanted club and spike mosses. 

A common, naturally occurring variegated mutation of Vinca minor creeps across liverworts between path stones.
Moss fills gaps between path stones.
Moss covers stones at the edge of one the garden’s ponds.
A small patch of Running Cedar club moss has been successfully transplanted, but it is likely to take years to spread.
Arborvitae fern is an easily grown spike moss that remains evergreen until temperatures drop below ten degrees (F.).


7 Comments Add yours

  1. Linus says:

    Do you have any Selaginella moss? If so how did they do this past year?

    Merry Christmakah!

    1. Dave says:

      I’ve grown selaginella a few times, but after a few years when I think it’s settled in, it suddenly fails. I think my shade must be a bit too dry. I have a few more areas I’d like to try before I give up.

  2. tonytomeo says:

    Parts of the redwood forests are thick with such specie! It is odd that it is only a few miles from chaparral.

    1. Dave says:

      Even in drier years there is enough shade and moisture for a variety of mosses and liverworts, but with an extra 25 inches of rain they’re growing in places that are usually too dry. There are a few forests nearby where large areas of club mosses grow. I doubt I’ll live long enough to see a large patch in this garden.

      1. tonytomeo says:

        I was told that cars abandoned near the coast in the Pacific Northwest do not rust as fast as they become Chia Pets.

      2. Dave says:

        A stone turtle in the garden has not turned into a Chia Pet. Perhaps a dab of moss would get it started. Thanks for the suggestion.

      3. tonytomeo says:

        Oh, that is not a suggestion; it is just a consequence of such proliferation. Ha! It is nice that some of us can still appreciate it. There are those that want it all sand blasted off all the concrete bridges.

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