The change of season

Again, I was surprised returning from a short trip out of town to hear of a freeze warning, though my return was delayed, and after dark there was nothing to be done about tropicals on the patios except hope for the best. The timing of the season’s first frost or freeze seems always to coincide with an out of town journey, and fortunately, rarely does my sloth in moving plants indoors result in significant damage. This, of course, encourages further delays the next year in bringing tropicals into their winter home.

Leaves of Jelena witch hazel are dependable for autumn foliage color. With our late summer drought, leaves of many trees have fallen early.

The next morning, a few slightly wilted leaves were in evidence, but temperatures did not drop as low as forecast, and elephant ears and gingers can tolerate more cold than I give credit for. The next low temperature is forecast for another week off, so there’s plenty of time and perhaps the chore to bring pots indoors can be put off even longer.

The dark leafed canna will be dug, potted, and hauled into the small greenhouse for the winter. Planting around the new greenhouse is mostly transplants thinned from the garden.

Cannas in pots will be hauled into the new greenhouse, and a larger one will be dug and dumped into a pot, to be replanted in May, though in a new spot since a tree is planned for this position. The cannas are nearly cold hardy for our mildest winters, so a small amount of protection should get them through the winter.

With the change to colder temperatures, our late summer drought has also ended. An inch of rain earlier in the week, with another inch today, and more expected during the week will put an end to bone dry clay, and will fill the garden’s ponds that were nearing their lowest points ever, I’ve been planting and transplanting since August as if rain was around the corner, so now I won’t have to constantly monitor these babies.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. tonytomeo says:

    Freeze warning?! That is something we would get if the weather was about to get cold enough to damage the citrus, although it never happened while I was there. It was an automated device that was to alert us if we needed to turn on the wind machines to keep the warm air down. How does your warning work? Is it a device you have in your garden, or is it from a weather forecasting service?

    1. Dave says:

      Forecasters send the alerts, just as severe thunderstorm warnings are sent. Since we do not have cold sensitive farm crops in the area, warnings are not a big deal except to gardeners.

      1. tonytomeo says:

        Thunderstorms too? That must be nice. I suppose nowadays, there is probably an app. for that.

      2. Dave says:

        Just as freeze threats are irrelevant to most people, so are severe thunderstorm and occasional tornado alerts. Thunderstorms are so common, and tornados so rare, that alerts are ignored.

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