Too much?

The colors of this garden were not well planned. In fact, there was no planning at all. I see a plant, I like it, and plant it (a slight oversimplification). The result? No doubt, some will disagree. I think this riotous border of color is glorious. Visitors agree, but what do we know?

A purple smokebush (Cotinus) and yellow elderberry (Sambucus ‘Lemony Lace’) are pruned to remain shrubs beneath the red horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea).

I have no question there are clashes of colors. Despite my colorblindness, it’s likely I would overlook all but the most garish conflicts. Varying textures, I see, but if closeby colors don’t work well together, too bad, it’ll all be over in another week.

The path to the rear garden from the driveway is at its most colorful the first week of May when deciduous Exbury azaleas combine with a native fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) and newly emerged foliage of red leafed Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’) and beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Red Obelisk’), and a yellow leafed redbud (Cercis canadensis ‘Golden Falls’). If additional color is required, a white flowered, yellow leafed ‘Chardonnay Pearls’ deutzia fills the lower tier.

Two red leafed Japanese maples, a variegated ‘Wolf Eyes’ dogwood, and yellow Hinoki cypress stand before a ‘Venus’ dogwood.

Perhaps this is too much, but this is a week that I cherish. Soon enough, flowers will fade, leaving behind the still splendid red and yellow foliage that only fades slightly as temperatures rise.

‘Lemon Meringue’ baptisia and ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’ Japanese maple

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Mary Sievers says:

    Your gardens are beautiful as is. I also love May above all other months and the profusion of color. Your blog inspires me with your creativity!

    1. Dave says:

      A friend asked me a few days ago if I plan to redo the garden in my retirement. Heck no. Too much work, and while I’ll always add and move things around, I like it as is.

  2. norabuisson01 says:

    I love it all!!  And I love your emails.
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    1. Dave says:

      Thank you for following along.

  3. llarkins42 says:

    The more color the better. We have gotten so color afraid in recent years that we are now afraid of it!!! Designers tell us it all has to “flow’, such nonsence, Use them akkand enjoy every monment, as you say in a week it will have all changed. Your pics show wonderful color, after all it is all NATURE!

    1. Dave says:

      I supervised landscape architects and designers for 45 years, so I respect the work they do, but a garden is personal. While many homeowners want and need guidance, for better and worse, this garden is a reflection of me.

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