I refuse to give in

I don’t count, but years ago, there must have been a hundred or more hostas in the garden. They were simple as long as I planted out of the afternoon sun. And then came the deer. I suppose they were always here, but as nearby forests and fields turned to houses, I began to see…

Where’s the view?

“Oh, what a beautiful sunset. Too bad I can’t see it,” Barbara says, peering from the west facing sunroom through Japanese maples, a stewartia, and variegated dogwood. Indeed, the view is obstructed, somewhat by intention, but mostly by the passage of decades of growth. No doubt, my wife’s objections are pointed towards me, and I…

Now I know

With snow melting, I am now confident planting a second schefflera (Schefflera taiwaniana) along the driveway. Here, the snow has melted more quickly than the rest of the garden, but the schefflera replaces an often damaged, non-remontant hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) planted years ago that rarely displays more than a flower or two. The mophead has…

What will I do today?

A bunch of years ago, I built a pond in the garden. I knew just a little, but needed to know more to best serve customers of our landscape business. After rejiggering the pond several times, I finally got it nearly right. But, in addition to figuring some things to do and not to, I…

Not spring, but …..

I don’t mind the snow for a day or two, and the recent snowfall was particularly useful in sheltering plants from the drop in temperature to four and five degrees (Fahrenheit) in the span of several days when daily highs did not rise sbove freezing. Little damage resulted from the snow and cold except for…

More collections

I do not question the numerous collections of plants in this garden. All are favorites, so why not plant more? While the possibility of cold damage to flowers of early flowering magnolias might eliminate their consideration in a smaller garden, the varying flowering times of multiple selections in this garden ensure that at least some…

A time to consider

The lull of winter dormancy is a time to evaluate and reconsider the garden. Always, something is missing, changes are overdue, and in January, there is ample time for planning. I don’t expect major changes in spring. I’m quite pleased with the long established gardens, and with additions made in recent years. But, as always,…

Lost in the freeze

While noting various plants that remain unblemished by the recent low temperatures, I failed to inspect the brilliant yellow flowers of mahonias (Mahonia x media, now Berberis x hortensis, below) that were mentioned as a highlight of the snow-covered garden. A day earlier, all flowers remained intact, but after nighttime lows of five and nine…

How cold?

I confess to woeful ignorance regarding microclimates in the garden. Occasionally, I’ll glance to note areas where snow melts quickly, but with infrequent snowfall, these details are quickly forgotten. Of course, you should expect I’d know where the warm spots are after thirty-five years. But, as with many details in the garden, I am apparently…

No worries

No doubt, in its native Australian habitat, grevillea (Grevillea victoriae ‘Murray Valley Queen’, below) did not develop with substantial roots to prevent its tilting after a few inches of snow. As a much smaller young shrub several years ago, the grevillea leaned severely under a much heavier snow load, probably our most recent snowfall of…

Splendid … for January

I shouldn’t complain. But I do, and I will every day until spring, though there is reason for joy each day as I whine that mild temperatures are so far off. I want to be outdoors, preferably in short sleeves, tidying up, planting, or only strolling, I don’t care. As I roam the garden in…

Sneakin’ a few flowers

I am not surprised to see a few flowers on the yellow, threadleafed ‘Ogon’ spirea (Spirea thunbergii ‘Ogon’, below) this second week of January. Temperatures have been very average, not particularly mild, but it’s not unusual to see a few scattered white blooms later in winter. This is a week or two early, and the…