Where are the butterflies?

Several butterfly bushes (Buddleia) perished over the winter, and just now at the start of August have I given their loss much thought. One, and perhaps a second died as a consequence of persistent dampness in the lower garden, and since the shrubs died over the winter the first thought is to blame cold for…

Unanticipated treasures

I readily admit that many of the garden’s successes are more a result of complete accident rather than efforts on my part. Certainly, some benefit is derived from good planning. Occasionally, combinations of colors and textures work out just as envisioned, but more satisfying are unanticipated pleasures that have nothing at all to do with…

Yes, there are butterflies

I’ve recently commented on the lack of butterflies in the garden this summer. But, like many of my most astute observations, as soon as I pronounce my conclusions I’m quickly proven incorrect. This bothers me only slightly. Gardeners are accustomed to being wrong, though it’s helpful that natural forces beyond my control are most often…